
How To Gain A New Skill During Lockdown

It will be very true to say that the world has literally stopped moving because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown all over the world has confined people in the four walls of their house.

While some people aren’t sure about what kind of skills they can acquire during this lockdown, on the other hand there are smart people who are utilising their time very efficiently. Many online learning platforms have seen a sudden rise in the enrolments of various courses. These courses are related to personality development, arts or humanities courses, professional courses, etc.

So, instead of wasting this precious time which is never going to come back, on social media or watching TV, use this time to improve or enhance your skills. Who knows you may land in a dream job after the end of this lockdown or you may feel more confident about your present skill set?

Learn cooking through virtual cooking lessons

Are you also feeling bored in your self-isolation, then learning how to cook, if you are a novice or trying out some new recipes can help to fight your boredom? With the rise of technology, no one can stop you from learning cooking even during lockdown. Great chefs are using various social media platforms and have transformed their kitchens into classrooms. So, virtual cooking lessons are the new way to acquire new skills, clear your doubts and much more.

Online is the way to go

So, there are many online learning platforms as well as applications that you can easily install on your phone and learn whenever you feel like.

Coursera, edx, Lynda, Khan Academy, Udacity, Udemy, code academy are just a few examples and the list is endless. They have some paid and free courses as well. Courses from the top universities like MIT, Stanford, and Harvard are available online.

These universities even have YouTube lectures from one of the best educators.

First, decide which field are you interested in, like marketing, graphic designing, creative writing, programming, self-improvement, foreign languages, app development, Human Resource Management or an online degree.

These courses are available on various online platforms or even e-learning mobile apps.

So, you can literally learn anything from cooking to web development to digital marketing, all in the comforts of your home.

You can make this time period of lockdown a memorable and satisfying one by taking the help of technology. 

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