
Understanding The Basics Of Immigrating To Australia

Immigration has been the order of the day since the days of early man. People used to move from one place to another to settle down there and this cycle is a never ending one. Thus today too immigration is a global phenomenon.

What is immigration and why do people immigrate?

The act of moving from one’s own country of residence to settle down permanently in another country willingly is known as immigration. This should not be confused with migration where in most cases this relocation is involuntary or prompted by political turmoil and without official permission. People generally immigrate in search of a better life and better employment options. Pursuing a more promising academic career is also an important factor. Australia being an emerging country of many opportunities hence is drawing a lot of immigrants to its soil.

The types of immigration

There are broadly two types of immigration that one can undertake when going to Australia- applying for a immigration australia permanent residency and applying for permanent citizenship of the country. In fact the without getting the first one you will not be eligible for the second one.

Permanent residency immigration

This form of immigration begins at the Australian embassy of the city of your residence. You will have to collect the immigration forms from there or get it online and then fill it up. You will have to submit the form along with all the relevant details and documents. If you will be submitting the form online then you will need to have scanned copies of all the relevant documents so that you can submit them along with the form. Once you submit your application, your visa application will be reviewed and everything fits the bill, you will be finally called in for an interview. This interview will be conducted by the members of the Australian embassy. The sole purpose of the interviewers will be to grill you to find out whether the reasons that you have state for your immigration to Australia re genuine and reasonable or not. Hence this is a very important step for which you need to be well prepared. It is very crucial that you do not say anything apart from the truth or else you might get rejected at the last stage of the application process and be denied the visa.

Citizenship of Australia

Once you get the permanent resident visa Australia you will be able to go there and settle down. You will be given a proof of your permanent resident status which you will need to renew after certain periods. You will be able to enjoy certain health benefits but not all. You will not be allowed to vote, unless you get citizenship of the country. You can apply for citizenship once you have lived in Australia as a permanent resident for a sufficient period of time. Your citizenship application will be reviewed and if you fit the necessary criteria, you will be granted citizenship of the country.

Keep these important pointers in mind if you are planning to settle down in Australia since they will make the process of transition easier.

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